Gluten Free Everyday Eats – Day 17

Today was busy but fun.  Between morning errands and whatnot, I had a plan for lunch, etc.  None of which worked out.  Ha!  Typical for my planning some days. 😀  When we got to where we were going to eat lunch/play date, the cafe had run out of all gluten free options (seriously… they had carrot sticks left).  I was hungry!  Ah well.  

I had better get myself to the market tomorrow.  I am craving a huge salad and we only had a head of broccoli in the house.  😀  I saved some to make some broccoli slaw for lunch tomorrow – *just in case* my brilliant plan for tomorrow also fails me.  


Breakfast:  I thought I’d try a boxed mix for gluten free scones before.  While I scoffed at the ingredients list, the “Meyer Lemon Scones” had my taste buds,so I totally splurged.  ($6.79/box!)  I whipped up the scores this morning.  They were decent (but not a lot of flavor to them….I would have been very hard pressed to call them “lemon scones”) when they were hot.  However, once cool?  I was bummed.  (PS.  My DH saw them on the counter when he got home for lunch and sent me a text.  He wondered why I had made “vanilla cupcakes in blotches”  Ha!)

Thank goodness for raspberry jam.  Now if only I had some clotted cream.  Breakfast (with the warm version of the scone) would have been decadent.  The coffee was perfect. 😀

Day 17 breakfast

Lunch was a total bust.  My girls at the carrot sticks I was offered because they were hungry.  I knew I could make some scrambled eggs when we got home.  So that’s what my lunch (at 2PM) ended up being: scrambled eggs with parmesan and garlic, a yellow peach (it was sour!) and water.

Day 17 lunch


Dinner:  steamed brown rice, steamed broccoli and a little tilapia.  (All made in the rice cooker again…. I think I’m liking this trick of cooking in the rice cooker!).  Honestly, the fish I made the other day was better.  This one didn’t marinate long enough to fully develop much flavor and I think I used a little too much lemon.  DH ate several servings so it was at least decent enough for that.  Quite likely, though, he was just hungry.  LOL

Day 17 dinner


Snack:  Tonight I am munching on some tortilla chips (the ones I love to eat with my scrambled eggs) and some water.  

Hope you had a great day as well.  

-Happy Gluten Free Eats!



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